The Journey To Now

I have not written anything on this blog for about 10 years now. There are a number of reasons. Mostly, it is a difficult subject to contemplate, seeing a loved one go through this trauma and recovery. Second, I have been focused on other things as well in the past 10 years. I guess I figured way back then that there was not much left to be said.

Much has happened in these 10 years. Annette walks with a walker. She can walk short distances effectively without the walker. I start with the physical because that is where most people start and end their reckoning of her. Most people only see that crippled young woman who needs a walker to get around.

As a result of her brain injury she has an eye that drifts to the side. He speech is halting and slow. I think this causes many people to underestimate her intellectually. She is smart, witty, and cunning. To think you are dealing with someone who is intellectually or emotionally stunted will set you up to be steamrolled and humiliated.

I suppose I am back to writing here because she recently moved to Las Vegas. When I spoke to her about it, I was opposed to the idea. When I talked to me she revealed that she had been planning and preparing. She is an adult. I cannot stop her. I am just not sure if I should be more worried for her or the City of Las Vegas.

I supposed it is time to explore some memories, good and bad, of the last decade. And as this blog was originally a way for me to process what was happening to Annette then, I think it will be a way to process the things that are happening now.

About Leo

Leo Barrera Expert at dealing with conflict. Grim, determined, a little chaotic, a threat to good order. Veteran. Chicano. Husband. Father. Writer. Photographer. Gardener.
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